Short-Term Rental Department


Dear Future Short-Term Rental Operator,

We are excited to help you get your Short-Term Rental (STR) business up and running. Before starting your application process with the Town of Plymouth, please carefully review the following information:

  • Definition of Short-Term Rental (STR):
    An STR is defined as a furnished house, condominium, or other dwelling unit rented to transient, traveling, or vacationing guests for a period of fewer than 30 consecutive days.
  • STR Permit Requirement:
    Operating an STR in the Town of Plymouth requires an STR Registration Permit issued by the STR Administrator. A dwelling unit cannot be used as an STR without the issuance of the required permit. STR Registration is valid for one year from the date of issuance.
  • Penalties for Non-Compliance:
    Operating an STR without the required permit may result in a fine of up to $100 per day.
  • Dwelling Unit Capacity:
    The capacity of an STR is determined by the number of approved bedrooms. For instance, a three-bedroom dwelling unit is permitted to accommodate up to six guests.

Applications for STR Registration must comply with the regulations established by the Town of Plymouth for properties with an occupancy of eight or fewer guests. For more details, please review our Short-Term Rental Ordinance here. [Short Term Rental Ordinance]

Required Application Information

The following information must be submitted with the application form as part of the STR registration process:

  1. The physical address of the STR property being advertised, offered, or used as an STR.
  2. The property owner’s contact information, including name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
  3. Contact details for any individual authorized to act on the owner’s behalf, including name, address, phone number, and email.
  4. If applicable, the name of the property manager under a written property management agreement or contract.
  5. For STR properties with multiple units in a building, indicate each unit and its assigned 911 address (if different from the building’s address).
  6. Proof of homeowners’ liability and casualty insurance with an STR endorsement, signed statement. This must be presented during the final inspection.
  7. A sketch plan of the entire property, showing all proposed on-site parking spaces for guests and owners if the owners reside on-site when the STR is occupied.
  8. A copy of the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Vermont State Fire Marshal (required for properties accommodating more than eight guests or with five or more bedrooms).
  9. A completed and signed “Short-Term Rental Safety, Health, and Financial Obligations” self-assessment form (required for properties accommodating eight or fewer guests or with four or fewer bedrooms).

Applications and Forms

The forms listed below are fillable PDFs. Once completed, you can email them to the STR Coordinator at [email protected] or mail them to:

Town of Plymouth (STR)
68 Town Office Rd.
Plymouth, VT 05056

Please mail your registration fee check, payable to the Town of Plymouth with “STR” in the memo line, to the address above.

Short-Term Rental Unit Registration Form [Registration Form]

Short-Term Rental Safety, Health, and Financial Obligations Self-Assessment Form [Assessment Form]

2024 Plymouth Short-Term Rental Program Annual Report

This past year was the third full year of implementation of the Plymouth Short-term Rental (STR) Ordinance.

Benefits to the town from this program are many. As part of the application process, the State Fire Marshal performed a Life Safety inspection of each new property entering the program.  These inspections have identified several safety issues such as missing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, inadequate egress, potential overcrowding concerns, unsafe handrails, and other life safety issues that have been corrected as a result of these inspections.  Additionally, we have reduced the allowed occupancy on some properties either because of fire safety concerns or more frequently, because of limitations based on septic system requirements.

At the end of 2024, there were 65 registered STR properties in Plymouth.  All but six of these properties are owned by nonresident taxpayers.

In December 2024, the town Select Board approved the purchase of a dedicated software package that will enable us to better track both the registered and unregistered STR properties in town.  Our goal for 2025 is to renew expired registrations in a timely manner, simplify the application process through on-line registrations, and better identify non-registered STR properties and bring them into compliance.


Frank Vetere, STR Administrator

Natalya Bochkov, STR Coordinator